pos: (-4 2) mapper: ("triple") palette: "data/maps/demo/pals/vines.fus" tileset: "data/maps/demo/tilesets/water.fus" actors: : "actor/hermit/actor.fus" "spider_cpu" vars: "eyespider_vines_ran_away_1": F "eyespider_vines_ran_away_2": F "eyespider_vines_ran_away_3": F "eyespider_vines_ran_away_4": F nosave "eyespider_vines_looking": F nosave "eyespider_vines_mini_eye_respawn": 0 # Hotspots for showing "fluff" (flavour text) nosave "vines2_fluff_a": 0 nosave "vines2_fluff_b": 0 nosave "vines2_fluff_c": 0 nosave "vines3_fluff_a": 0 nosave "vines3_fluff_b": 0 nosave "vines3_fluff_c": 0 "jungle_cage": F "vines3_door": F "spider_passed_vines": F "spider_passed_vines2": F nosave "spider_leaving_vines": 0 nosave "spider_leaving_vines_for_real": 0 $SET_STR VINES_HIDING: lines: at(25 3) ;;Shhhh! I'm hiding! $SET_STR VINES_TAKE_ME: lines: at(14 24) ;; Wait! ;; ;; ;; Are you ;; heading west? ;; ;; ;; ...take me ;; with you! $SET_STR VINES_THANKS: lines: at(14 24) ;;You're not so bad ;; ;; ;; ;; ...for a spider ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; If you're ;; heading west, ;; I'll come too $SET_STR VINES_NOT_OUT_THERE: lines: at(16 26) ;;NO WAIT ;; ;; ;; THERE ARE ;; SPIDERS ;; OUT THERE $SET_STR VINES_AAA: lines: at(16 26) ;;AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA $SET_STR VINES_COME_BACK: lines: at(35 15) ;;Come baaack! ;; ;; Take me ;; with you! $SET_STR VINES2_FLUFF_A: lines: at(25 22) ;; Looks tricky! ;; ;; ;; How're you going ;; to get down there? $SET_STR VINES2_FLUFF_B: lines: at(15 7) ;;I'm generally scared ;; of spiders, ;; but you don't seem ;; too bad. $SET_STR VINES2_FLUFF_C: lines: at(20 23) ;; I reckon ;;we're nearly ;; through! $SET_STR VINES3_FLUFF_A: lines: at(10 44) ;;Looks like someone built a house up there. $SET_STR VINES3_FLUFF_B: lines: at(1 1) ;;But ;; who ;;lives ;; in ;;there?.. $SET_STR VINES3_FLUFF_C: lines: at(20 14) ;; Let's ;; just ;; sneak ;;through $SET_STR VINES4_FLUFF_A: lines: at(5 4) ;;PHEW ;; ;; ;; OUTTA THERE !! ;; ;; ;;...say, can you spit me into ;; that receptacle? $SET_STR VINES4_FLUFF_B: lines: at(6 7) ;;Thanks for everything! submaps: "vines": file: "data/maps/demo/vines.fus" text: if all: mapvar("eyespider_vines_ran_away_1") mapvar("eyespider_vines_looking") then $GET_STR VINES_HIDING else if all: mapvar("eyespider_vines_ran_away_2") not mapvar("eyespider_vines_ran_away_4") then if > mapvar("eyespider_vines_mini_eye_respawn") 0 then if > mapvar("spider_leaving_vines_for_real") 0 then $GET_STR VINES_AAA else if > mapvar("spider_leaving_vines") 0 then $GET_STR VINES_NOT_OUT_THERE else $GET_STR VINES_THANKS else $GET_STR VINES_TAKE_ME else null camera: (-7 5) "vines2": file: "data/maps/demo/vines2.fus" text: if all: mapvar("eyespider_vines_ran_away_3") not mapvar("eyespider_vines_ran_away_4") == mapvar("eyespider_vines_mini_eye_respawn") 0 then $GET_STR VINES_COME_BACK else null text: if > mapvar("eyespider_vines_mini_eye_respawn") 0 then if > mapvar("vines2_fluff_a") 0 then $GET_STR VINES2_FLUFF_A else if > mapvar("vines2_fluff_b") 0 then $GET_STR VINES2_FLUFF_B else if > mapvar("vines2_fluff_c") 0 then $GET_STR VINES2_FLUFF_C else null else null pos: (-26 -5) camera: (-7 3) mapper: ("quadruple") submaps: "vines2": file: "data/maps/demo/vines3.fus" text: if > mapvar("eyespider_vines_mini_eye_respawn") 0 then if > mapvar("vines3_fluff_a") 0 then $GET_STR VINES3_FLUFF_A else if > mapvar("vines3_fluff_b") 0 then $GET_STR VINES3_FLUFF_B else if > mapvar("vines3_fluff_c") 0 then $GET_STR VINES3_FLUFF_C else null else null pos: (-21 -6) camera: (-6 7) mapper: ("quadruple") palette: "data/maps/demo/pals/water.fus" doors: : map: "data/maps/water/worldmap.fus" pos: (95 17) rot: 0 turn: n submaps: : file: "data/maps/demo/vines3_blocker.fus" visible: not mapvar("vines3_door") pos: (-8 13) "vines2": file: "data/maps/demo/vines4.fus" text: if mapvar("eyespider_vines_ran_away_4") then $GET_STR VINES4_FLUFF_B else if > mapvar("eyespider_vines_mini_eye_respawn") 0 then $GET_STR VINES4_FLUFF_A else null pos: (-40 4) camera: (0 0) "vines2": pos: (-40 4) camera: (-10 -10) tileset: "data/tileset1.fus" submaps: : bg file: "data/maps/demo/jungle_bg.fus" tileset: "data/tileset1_bg.fus" : file: "data/maps/demo/jungle.fus" "jungle": pos: eval: (-40 4) + (-6 -18) camera: (0 -8) mapper: ("triple") palette: "data/maps/demo/pals/vines.fus" tileset: "data/tileset1.fus" recs: : "data/maps/demo/recs/jungle2_bird000.fus" : "data/maps/demo/recs/jungle3_bird000.fus" "spider_cpu" : "data/maps/demo/recs/jungle5_bird000.fus" submaps: : bg file: "data/maps/demo/jungle2_bg.fus" tileset: "data/tileset1_bg.fus" : file: "data/maps/demo/jungle2.fus" doors: : map: "data/maps/water/worldmap.fus" pos: (1 8) rot: 0 turn: n "jungle": file: "data/maps/demo/jungle3.fus" pos: eval: (-40 4) + (-6 -18) + (15 -8) camera: (6 0) mapper: ("triple") palette: "data/maps/demo/pals/vines.fus" tileset: "data/maps/demo/tilesets/water.fus" "jungle": file: "data/maps/demo/jungle4.fus" pos: eval: (-40 4) + (-6 -18) + (10 -16) camera: (0 0) mapper: ("triple") palette: "data/maps/demo/pals/vines.fus" tileset: "data/maps/demo/tilesets/water.fus" "jungle5": pos: eval: (-40 4) + (-6 -18) + (15 -8) + (24 7) camera: follow mapper: ("solid_curvy") palette: "data/maps/demo/pals/vines.fus" tileset: "data/maps/demo/tilesets/water.fus" submaps: : bg file: "data/maps/demo/jungle5_bg.fus" tileset: "data/tileset1_bg.fus" : file: "data/maps/demo/jungle5.fus" : file: "data/maps/demo/jungle_cage.fus" visible: not mapvar("jungle_cage") pos: (15 2)