NOTE: The following was eventually actually implemented. But the notes are good. (Particularly the bit explaining what we do with SDL palettes...) *** Player palettes: We have color tables and palmappers. The former are stored on palmappers. The latter are currently only stored on rendergraph_child_t whose type == RENDERGRAPH_CHILD_TYPE_RGRAPH. The following functions make use of color tables (Unit8*): * prismelmapper_apply_to_rendergraph ('table' param) Used to find the color passed to prismelrenderer_get_solid_palettemapper used to set new_rendergraph_child->u.rgraph.palmapper * palettemapper_apply_to_palettemapper There are 3 palmappers involved, and the table fields of the first two are used to populate that of the third * rendergraph_render_bitmap When rendering sub-rendergraphs, rendergraph_child->u.rgraph.palmapper->table is used to generate a table passed to SDL_PaletteMappedBlit I think we just need rendergraph_render_bitmap to take an optional table argument. Currently it does this: Uint8 table[256]; if(palmapper){ for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)table[i] = i; // <------- !!!!!! for(int i = 0; i < iter.child.u.rgraph->palmapper_n_applications; i++ ){ for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++){ table[i] = palmapper->table[table[i]];} } } RET_IF_SDL_NZ(SDL_PaletteMappedBlit(bitmap2->surface, NULL, surface, &dst_rect, palmapper? table: NULL)); ...we want to change that to something like this: // table is a param if(palmapper){ Uint8 _table[256]; if(!table){ for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)_table[i] = i; table = _table; } // Everything is the same from here on... } RET_IF_SDL_NZ(SDL_PaletteMappedBlit(bitmap2->surface, NULL, surface, &dst_rect, palmapper? table: NULL)); ...but this will generate a new rendergraph (?). So we're saying we need a different version of every player-related rendergraph for every player palette, right? If so, perhaps we should only use 2 (human player / CPU player). WAIT UP NOW - I think we may want to stick a Unit8 *table on rendergraph_t. Then, rendergraph_render_bitmap doesn't take a 'table' param, it does this: Uint8 *table = NULL; Uint8 _table[256]; if(player->palmapper){ Uint8 *player_table = player->palmapper->table; for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)_table[i] = player_table[i]; table = _table; } if(palmapper){ if(!table){ for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)_table[i] = i; table = _table; } // Everything is the same from here on... } RET_IF_SDL_NZ(SDL_PaletteMappedBlit(bitmap2->surface, NULL, surface, &dst_rect, palmapper? table: NULL)); By the way, here's how the game handles actual SDL palettes: There is a palette_t which stores the structure specified by pal1.fus and friends. It stores information about 256 colors, e.g. a set of keyframes for each color. There is a field submap->palette. hexgame_step calls palette_step on game->cur_submap->palette. There is a function palette_update_sdl_palette. hexgame_render calls it on its 'pal' param. test_app_mainloop calls hexgame_render with app->sdl_palette as the 'pal' param, and later passes app->sdl_palette to rendergraph_render. we're modifying an SDL palette and relying on SDL to take that into account when it renders our surfaces! Presumably this doesn't work with textures?.. Or anyway, SDL_SetPaletteColors will do whatever needs to be done to ensure that the palette is changed. Here's how we would currently apply a palmapper to a rendergraph. We would have to create a prismelmapper: shapes: "cycle1_sq": shapes: : "sq" (0 0 0 0) 0 f "cycle1" "cycle1_tri": shapes: : "tri" (0 0 0 0) 0 f "cycle1" "cycle1_dia": shapes: : "dia" (0 0 0 0) 0 f "cycle1" mappers: "cycle1": unit: 1 0 0 0 entries: : "sq" -> "cycle1_sq" : "tri" -> "cycle1_tri" : "dia" -> "cycle1_dia" ...that's insane. We could add a "table" to prismelmappers... basically fold palmappers into prismelmappers. That's really what we're going for, is a generic "mapping" struct with which we can build hierarchical structures representing algebraic terms. *waggles eyebrows*